• Jemo House Gets a Fresh Face

    A typical homeowner pays particular attention to the front of their house. It’s the side that faces the street that shows the neighbors and passersby who you are; neat, tidy, eccentric, original. It’s what you present to the world. Like many Kenyan organizations and businesses, Jemo House has a rather impressive, newly installed, gate. However, on my last visit, I noticed it still needed some finishing touches. So after a trip to to the hardware duka for sandpaper, brushes and paint, we got to work.

    Janet and Selah returned from school first and really wanted to help paint, but what comes first? The hard, dirty work of sanding.

    Sad gate, happy helpers

    Properly prepping that big gate was a seemingly endless job, they were hard workers and good helpers, and with plenty of play breaks we were finally ready for the reward. We laid down a coat of glossy black paint, transforming a dull scratched surface into a thing of beauty. 

    But wait, there’s more.

    With a fresh coat of paint on the concrete support pillars we set to work on the very serious task of signage.

    Arnold helps get it just right

    After some careful sketching we started the slow, careful process of painting the logo and lettering. Everybody wanted a hand in this, but Daniel, Brian and Naomi really excelled at the lettering, getting those edges straight and perfect. Like any job it wasn’t all about the work, but also a great time of talking about normal stuff, what the kids’ like to do and what kind of music they like. 

    Finally it was done and everyone wanted pictures.

    And it turned into a little celebration of the community and family Jemo House represents.

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