If love and laughter were the currency of the day, we would be up to our eyeballs. As it stands, we need money. Donations help fund the everyday needs of our children at Jemo House; such as food, health insurance, and school fees. Donations also buy sewing supplies and send pads around the world to girls in desperate need to keep themselves clean, safe and in school. There are a number of ways to give listed below.
One-time donations can be given with a specific intent or purpose, such as school fees, health insurance costs, or a new water tank. Just specify in the comments section what you would like it used for. They can also be given without a purpose in mind and we will put it toward our most pressing needs. Monthly donations are greatly appreciated and can be arranged for any amount. Donations can be made on our DONATE tab via Paypal or by clicking here.
Donations can also be made through our facebook page. They can be one-time donations or reoccurring monthly contributions. Please remember to put your email in the form when you sign up so we know who the donor is!
We appreciate all kinds of donations, big and small. Whether you have a generous check to send or a bag of nickels from your lemonade stand, we are grateful! It will be appreciated and put to good use. If this is your preferred route, please mail donations to:
Too Little Children, 1513 Valley Run, Durham, NC 27707.
Our baggage allowances when flying overseas restrict us to only accepting donations of new girl’s underwear. These underwear are vital for the girls served by the Pad Project, as you can imagine how ineffective pads are without undies. Underwear donations can be send to the address listed above. The sizes we most frequently need are listed below: